About Us

We are the scout troop from SMJK Chung Ling Butterworth. Our troop was established on 19th June in the year 1988. We are the 54th scout troop in Butterworth and our registration number at The Scout Association of Malaysia is M7568. As a result of the years of hard work by every member of the troop, the 54th scout troop of Butterworth has been operating smoothly for the past 34 years (1988 - 2022). To train troop members in an effective yet interesting way, we have a series of training courses from simple weekend activities to training courses by professionals, and on-campus camps organized by our committee in-charge. We often encourage our members on participating in state, national and international activities and camps. The variety of scout activities we have access to provides chances for members to gain useful knowledge, enjoy unforgettable experiences and have lots of fun. To ensure the activities for troop members carried out safely and smoothly, our troop's consultant teachers and Scoutmasters will also be present during activities. Since our establishment, our troop has cultivated more than 65 King Scouts while studying in SMJK Chung Ling Butterworth. They have since graduated and have had success in their personal lives. There is no doubt that the King Scouts cultivated by our troop can succeed in society. Besides, the King's Scout honor makes it easier to apply for local college and get higher extracurricular points that beneficial for students that just graduated from secondary schools. We are a closed troop, only open for students of SMJK Chung Ling Butterworth. However, we are committed to upholding our promises as a scout to create a better tomorrow.

Mission ⚜️

To cultivate and train members of society that excel in various fields, both academic and extracurricular, so that we can contribute to home, school, society and the country in the future in compliance with national education laws.

Development of the 54th Scout Troop Logo



