Activity Calendar (2024)
Information about upcoming activities can be found on our Discord server.
Upcoming Major Activities:
6 July 2024: 21st Skill Competition & 6th Annual Gathering
Scheduled Activities 2024/2025 semester (10:00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.)
23 March: 1st Normal Activity
27 April: 2nd Normal Activity
11 May: 3rd Normal Activity
10 August: 4th Normal Activity
24 August: 5th Normal Activity
28 September: 6th Normal Activity
9 November: 7th Normal Activity
All interschool activities will be subject to approval by the school co-curricular department, and therefore might be delayed/cancelled.
Online Activities
21 & 22 December 2020 - Patrol Leader & Patrol Second (PLPS) Interview (Form 2)
19 September 2020 - Formal Activity
12 September 2020 - Formal Activity
8 August 2020 - Formal Activity
25 JULY 2020 - Annual General Meeting ( AGM )
The 54th Scout Troop's Annual General Meeting has ended successfully, and all committees vow to do their best serving our troops. We appreciate what all of you had done throughout the year. Now, it's time for the 2020/21 Committees to shine themselves and do what's best for the 54th Scout Troop. Everyone is free to seek assistance from any committee.
Press the button below for the latest list of the committees for the year 2020/2021.