Scout Info

Sections (Unit)

Scouting in Malaysia is primarily school-based and as such, the Scouting sections are organised as follow:

Scout Promise (Persetiaan Pengakap)

Bahawa dengan sesungguhnya, saya berjanji dan bersetia yang saya, dengan seberapa daya upaya saya, akan:            

(On my honour, I promise that I will do my best,)

      (To do my duty to God, King and Country)

      (To help other people at all times)

      (To obey the Scout Law)

Scout Law (Undang-undang Pengakap)

           (A Scout's honour is to be trusted)

           (A Scout is loyal towards the King and other rulers, towards the Scout Masters, parents, employer and                 the people under him.)

           (A Scout is to make himself useful and helpful at all times.)

           (A Scout is a friend to all of any States, rank or any other religion.)

            (A Scout is good and kind and will always do good.)

            (A Scout is good and kind to animals.)

            (A Scout always follow his parents',Leaders' orders without any questions.)

            (A Scout is always patient and smile during difficulties.)

            (A Scout is thrifty.)

                (A Scout is clean and pure of thoughts, words and actions.)

Official Song of Scout Association of Malaysia (Lagu Rasmi Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia)

Kami Pengakap Malaysia

Harapan nusa dan bangsa

Berikrar setia

Pada pertiwi tercinta

Melatih generasi muda

Menjadi insan yang berguna

Persetiaan pengakap

Teras dipegang bersama

Menolong orang setia masa

Menabur bakti di mana sahaja

Demi Tuhan, Raja dan negara

Berbudi, bersaudara

Taat, menurut perintah

Kami bangga junjung cita-cita

Pengakap Malaysia

Kami bangga junjung cita-cita

Pengakap, Pengakap Malaysia

Badge Progression Scheme (Skim Lencana Kemajuan)

Regardless of which unit one is a member of, one must pass the Keahlian (Tenderfoot) test before being eligible for any other badges. This test examines one on one's qualifications to become a Scout.

For Pengakap Muda (Junior Scout), one may receive the Usaha (Strive) badge, Maju (Progress) badge and Jaya (Success) badge. One must attain all preceding badges before qualifying for the next one. Same as the previous stage, one can also receive a total of eight Lencana Kepandaian (merit badges); two for Kegemaran (Hobbies) category, three for Pengetahuan (Knowledge) category, and another three for Perkhidmatan (Service). Someone who achieves the First Class badge, which is the Jaya (Success) badge with the eight other Lencana Kepandaian (merit badges) can submit an application along with their logbooks to their respective District Commissioner for the Rambu Pengakap Muda (Junior Scout's Lanyard), which is green in colour. The logbooks will be checked by the Penolong Pesuruhjaya Program Pengakap Muda Daerah (District Assistant Junior Scouts Program Commissioner) and passed by the Pesuruhjaya Pengakap Negeri (State Scout Commissioner) before being conferred the certificate along with the lanyard.

For Pengakap Remaja (Venture Scout), one earns the Jayadiri (Independence) badge, Kemahiran (Skills) badge, Kegiatan (Activities) badge, Ekspedisi (Expedition) badge and Perkhidmatan (Service) badge. These badges are known as the Five Highest Badges (Lima Lencana Tertinggi), and a pre-requisite before being assessed as a Pengakap Raja (King's Scout). Once one has received these five badges, he/she can submit an application along with their five logbooks to their respective District Commissioner for the Rambu Pengakap Remaja (Venture Scout's Lanyard), which is yellow in colour. The logbooks will be checked by the Penolong Pesuruhjaya Program Pengakap Remaja Daerah (District Assistant Venture Scouts Program Commissioner) and passed by the Pesuruhjaya Pengakap Negeri (State Scout Commissioner) before being conferred the certificate along with the lanyard.

Once one has obtained the Rambu Pengakap Muda (Junior Scout Lanyard) and Rambu Pengakap Remaja (Senior Scout Lanyard), one is eligible to become a Pengakap Raja (King's Scout). The qualified candidate will hand in his/her application form to the district commissioner together with his/her logbooks and certificates (of all badges received). He/she will be evaluated and allowed to undergo the Ujian Sikap Pengakap Raja (King Scout Code of Conduct Examination) which consists of five components which are Tanggungjawab (Responsibility), Pengembaraan (Expedition), Perkhidmatan Masyarakat (Community Service), Kegiatan (Activity), and Berdikari (Independence). This evaluation is either done in a camp (three days two nights) organized by the district or state level OR done as part of a five-day four-night expedition. Either way, all five components are covered.

Once a candidate passed the Ujian Sikap Pengakap Raja (King Scout Code of Conduct Examination), he/she qualifies for the Pentarafan Pengakap Raja (King Scout Standardization Camp), a three-day two-nights camp organized by their respective Lembaga Penaraf Pngakap Raja Negeri (State Board of King Scout Standardization).

Penarafan Pengakap Raja (King Scout Standardization Camp) involves solo camping and making campcraft (minimum 20 gadgets), pioneering, first aid, foot and staff drills, backwoodsman cooking and handicraft making. Then the Calon Pengakap Raja (King's Scout Candidate) will receive a Rambu Pengakap Raja (King's Scout's Lanyard, a Bushman's Thong) which is self-made. Once one has passed, the prestigious Sijil Pengakap Raja (King's Scout certificate) which is signed by His Majesty The King of Malaysia and Sultans from all nine royal states of Malaysia. It is presented personally to the successful King's Scout candidate by the Sultan/Head of the State of the state in which one passed their test at their official residence

**Badge progression scheme for secondary school level ONLY